Václav Havel Airport under an airplane rush! More and more connections are coming to and from Prague. For some time, even the largest airliner in the world, the Airbus A380 from Emirates Airline, has been landing at the airport. And the director of Emirates Airline for Czech Bořivoj Trejbal (40) provided the E15.cz server with an interview in which he also talked about the development of Ruzyne airport and its insufficient capacity.

Václav Havel Airport in Prague´s Ruzyně, according to Trejbala is stagnant, rather than evolving. “It is rather being reconstructed than re-built,” he criticized in an interview for the E15. As for the growth of the airport, it has stopped completely.

It would help to expand the airport and the metro

According to him, the development of the airport would undoubtedly have helped to expand it, because it is no longer able to compete with large world airports. “If two large aircraft arrive at once, we already know that we are far over the edge; the facilities are now insufficient,” he explained with the fact that the airport would undoubtedly be helped with connection to the metro network. The role in the development of the airport is also to consider where to and from the passengers fly. In recent times, the number of flights to the East has risen sharply, whereas in the West it is not so. “It’s not easy to start the Prague-New York line on the market where you have ten million passengers, one-third of which is east of the country, so they fly from Vienna,” said Trejbal. Nevertheless, he would be glad if the link between Chicago and Dubai could be put into operation with a Prague stopover at the edge.